Our business model
Big Sky Stories is a registered charity that operates as a social enterprise.
Just like any other business, a social enterprise generates profit from sales and service. What makes it different is that profits are used for community, rather than personal benefit.
You’ve already seen our homepage, so you know what we’re about:
Children - stories - quality literature - language - literacy - creative arts
Everything we sell and do at Big Sky Stories is for the benefit of the community of far west NSW, more than it is for the benefit of us as Big Sky Stories founders and staff.
Obviously Big Sky Stories can’t do the work it does without people and just like you, we have bills to pay, so yes we do take home a wage. This is considered a Big Sky Stories expense, just like keeping the lights on, the landlord happy and the many other outgoings that we have to pay to function.
You can find out more about the social enterprise business model by checking out Social Enterprise Australia
A curated collection of quality books and language stimulating toys for children and young people.
A select collection of nonfiction books related to parenting and other related topics.
Capacity to order additional fiction and nonfiction books as requested.
Account sales to schools and other organisations.